8x20, 12x30, 16x40, 20x50, 24x60, 29x72, 33.5x84, 38x96



Camera: Canham 8x10 Inch Metal Field Camera, 4x10 adapted

Lens: 240mm

Film: Fuji Provia 100F 4x10 Inch Transparency Film

Glenbrook Pier Panorama, Lake Tahoe

As I've moved along in my career, I've gone through different fazes of seeing. I am really enjoying blackand white film photography, perhaps as a reaction to the overdone, unnatural color digital images filling the world right now. Whatever the subconscious reason, I'm going with what my astist's eye sees. This image deserved to be represented in black and white, as a nod to the history of the place. This is an historic pier located in Glennbrook, Lake Tahoe, Nevada. During the gold and silver rushes in Nevada City (to the east) and Sutter's Mill (to the west) the forests were clear cut to supply the miners with wood. The trees were floated from around the lake to Glennbrook, where they were processed and then sent, via flume, out of the basin to the mining areas. The remains of this pier represents that era. I wanted to share the mood of an (environmentally) stormy history with this black and white image taken on a moody, stormy winter day.
This is one of my first images composed on a 4x10 inch sheet of film. The print detail is exquisit!