11x14, 16x20, 20x24, 24x30, 30x40, 40x50, 48x60



Camera: Canham 5x7 metal field, 4x5 film back

Lens: 210mm

Film: Fuji Provia 100F Transparency Film

Late fall in the aspens

Fall is a special time of year. The weather changes in such a way that you can FEEL the transition between seasons. I spend a lot of time wandering in the mountains observing, watching and soaking it in. When I can feel the mood of the season, I begin to see. Or, perhaps, beauty is shown to me.

One reality of the aspen forests here in Lake Tahoe is that they are often chaotic. Many trees unevenly distributed, thick bushes filling in between the white trunks, meadow grass encroaching, fallen logs. Over the years, while looking for the perfectly clean composition, I have found great beauty in the chaos. My time spent outdoors has enabled me to stop searching for the false "perfection" expected in todays society, and has enabled me to open up to the amazing beauty found in nature. Everything is interconnected. There is order in the chaos. This is The Fine Art of Nature.