11x14, 16x20, 20x24, 24x30, 30x40, 40x50, 48x65



Camera: Canham 8x10 Inch Metal Field Camera

Lens: 240mm

Film: Fuji Provia 100F 8x10 Inch Transparency Film

Sand Harbor Overlook, Lake Tahoe


What can be said here? Lake Tahoe was at her finest. I awoke early and made the pilgrimage to one of my favorite east shore vistas. As I have done many times, I got out of the truck, put on my camera backpack, grabbed my tripod and put on my headlamp. It is an easy, and short hike to this special place, but I like to arrive early to observe the changing light. I set up my 8x10 view camera, turned off the headlamp and soaked in the power of a new day. Well, Mother Nature rewarded my persistence. The air was calm, the water still and the light show was incredible. Simple as that. One exposure. One moment in time. Enjoy!